Promotion of Accounting Reform as the most effective Pathway to a Fairer Safer and more Prosperous Society. Comment and Support from all quarters is Sought to straighten out NZ's problem
As well as your student loan to service when you start work there is also your compulsory Continuing Education fees and time out to attend them, if you are going to take the mainstream approach. Some might say that your employer will pay for your CE; if he(/she/it) does he might also service your loan as well and all will be rosy, but that does bring up an important accounting issue, concerning the existence or otherwise of the free lunch.
You could ask the Learning Institution which you are considering what it teaches on that matter, but more importantly you should ask what, and to what extent, it teaches about the 1990 Bank of New Zealand annual accounts saga. Does this rank as a turning point in the state of the profession? And if so in what direction. Another question could be the approach to Principle verses Rules based standards. The emphasis would seem to have been on principles all along except following the Trow pronouncement of 23 May 1993 that the profession was in a bad state because it did not have a comprehensive set of rules. Professor Trow taught at Victoria University. This University seems to have links with the International Federation of Accountants, which is something else to consider. Is that a healthy thing? Muti-national firms seem to have involvement in both.
Concerning the decision of Telecom to include this suspicious income in their accounts, these lecturers state "obviously the auditor agrees with that decision". There is no specific reason given for that obviousness and one is left to assume that it is the unqualified Audit Report that they think makes agreement obvious. It is rather obvious that the auditor has seen fit to go along with the declared income in question but that is quite a different thing. Auditor's operate in a very private situation and can be subject to great pressures. It is seldom if ever obvious that an Auditor has done his/her job. That is the nature of the job as it currently exists. The more the integrity of their reports are declared to be obvious the greater is the temptation for them to turn a blind eye.
These lecturers then go on to say that given the inaccessibility of complete information concerning the matters they question "users of Telecom's financial reports must trust Telecom and its auditors on the accounting treatment". It is submitted that there is no such requirement whatsoever and users of the accounts should cease so using them if after due consideration they have lost confidence in them because of revelations that the lecturers have made or revelations that they have otherwise discovered. They can also protest about the state of affairs in various ways and perhaps get something done.
It is submitted these lecturers may have been given the job of exposing the anomaly with such "padding" to prevent attention to any more blunt exposure which might have obliged an official or independent enquiry. Thunder must be allowed to peal unmitigated.
The credibility of the institution where you intend to study could be very relevant in the future. Excellent technical ability may be of little relevance if there is little confidence in your preparedness to apply your knowledge and skills as and when appropriate.
All the best, accounting students. Remember high ethical standards will be needed for your successful career, unlike this age where it is the other way around.
Press (control + N) to go to page 312 of the file. This is a copy of the famous fake insurance policy. The name of the insurance company (Dutch) sure is a whopper but other than that it sort of reads like an insurance policy but there is agreement that no party is offering to indemnify losses. It only aims to have the proceeds of zero coupon bonds of the Bank credited as a "claim" in any year of the bank's choosing (during the tenure of the bonds) while the cost of the bonds can be treated as a "premium" expense in any year that the Bank chooses. Hence it was claimed to be a valid procedure to manipulate its reported profit between years, probably with in the hope of avoiding the need to report losses.
We now trace what records there are or the attitude of auditor Peter Garty to this "insurance" otherwise known as "The Arrangements". If we go to file page 168 we get page 159 of the report. Scroll down to section 15.53 which concerns the 1990 year. RWS, solicitors representing Messrs Macaulay and Garty at the 1993 enquirey say that these two thought that the treatment of the arrangements in 1990 was OK. Note the reference to the "matching principle". The "matching principle" seems to refer to everything that is good in accounting and there are no alternatives to it.
Now go to file page 67 where at sections 4.8/9 these two auditors tell about when they were first told of the Arrangements in 1988. Insurance is designed to cover adverse events somewhat beyond the control of the insured. The prudent extending of credit is normally a core business of a bank and its profitability depends upon how well it is done. One cannot expect an insurer to take responsibility for such delicate business decisions. Mr Macauley acknowledges smelling a rat and would surely have passed on his misgivings to Mr Garty.
Now at file page 141, scroll down to the bottom to section 14.5 where Mr Garty advises their agreement with the arrangements in writing but insists that the premium be expensed on a straight line basis over the life of the premium. He does not say why he sees this as necessary. One suspects it is so it will look more like a common everyday insurance policy and so attract less attention, and it is not because of any legal provisions. This was in 1988.
At file page 188, section 15.110 we see that although Mr Garty says he thought the Arrangements were OK in 1990 his high profile assistant, Ms Hickey, did not. She challenged Mr Garty's straight line premium charges, also siting the matching principle. No doubt the thinking was that if all available proceeds had been claimed one would not expect to have to continue to pay premiums. Then again normal insurance premiums do not usually vary up and down according to the amount of claims that have been made. That tends to negate the purpose of insurance.
Next we go down to file page 212 and scroll down to section 16.24. The year is 1991. Mr Garty is still the Audit Partner. They still cling to the assertion that it is an Insurance arrangement, but concede it is more of an investment.
Finally we go to file page 259 and get a short quote from Mr Garty in 1993 which might sum up the policy, including the word "meaningless". But he had allowed it to be put to very serious uses including deception as to the profitability of the Bank.
The scandalous Audit Cert of the 1990 BNZ annual accounts - Take a Look from Here And then learn about the Securities Commission here who reported on the affair.
We also background the role of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of NZ in ignoring the affair. It might go back 10 years but many players still maintain high office, collectivly protecting themselves at the expense of others.
Structure and Operation of an alternative Accounting Organisation designed to shun dishonesty.