Promotion of Accounting Reform as the most effective Pathway to a Fairer Safer and more Prosperous Society. Comment and Support from all quarters is Sought to straighten out NZ's problem
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It is pleasing to see that juries have recently broken their shackles with the establishment and are refusing to put away plausible culprits in an effort to give the impression that you cannot get away with serious crime. When the wrong person is convicted it is a tragedy for them and it takes any focus off the real culprit. The fact is many culprits cannot be identified and the Prime Minister would do well to recognise this and not call for "someone" to be "brought to account".
It is also time for Rob Pope to step down from his role as deputy police commissioner. We believe he got there in an a attempt to put the results of the Sounds Murder Inquiry beyond question and as a result the case against everyone put on trial has been overstated. Mr Pope told the authorities that Scot Watson had lied about the length of his hair on that New Years eve which was not so. He hence did not have a valid interception warrant. The matter is supposed to be under investigation but we think that all is happening is a wait to gauge political and public opinion.
It's a similar situation applies to Brett Kane who we understand now heads the Upper Hutt police station. He decided to spend many thousands to present FBI evidence at the third trial of John Barlow because, we understand, he thought the extra evidence might just make the difference. It now seems to be accepted that that evidence was not evidence at all but Mr Kane does not think that there should be another trial because that was just one small part of the evidence. We have our doubts about the authenticity of a very senior public servant being on that jury as well. They are usually too busy for that sort of thing and anyway as a representative of the establishment he should have been challenged. The case against Mr Barlow seemed very strong but as the establishment is keen to remind us when it suits, these cases should be decided by a jury in possession of the facts and not public opinion. Somewhere between 2 and 22 jury members were not convinced that he was guilty. Nobody is suggesting that he had the capacity to intimidate jury members. Everybody is entitled to a fair jury trial. The case is now going to the Privy Council we think.
The David Bain retrial has been postponed six months because, we understand, the prosecution has new evidence. We thought that they were supposed to have done a good job the first time around. There would be no point in coming with new evidence if he had been found not guilty at the first trial. It would seem that at that trial they thought or knew that the defence were just going through the motions and the jury would give the police a blank signed cheque. This case is a reputation fight we think.
We move on, on a similar theme, to condemn a couple of international examples of "go with the flow" phenomena which is gross professional misconduct.
The first is "landings on the moon", allegedly 7 times by American "astronauts in 1969 and the early 70s. There might have been a real excuse for starting this myth as part of the cold war fight for recognition as a super power but it has been allowed to go on for too long. They cannot plan for an actual landing when they claim it was done so easily back then. The Clinton administration seemed to be phasing out the myth. It was coming up with stories of how the first landing was achieved with only 1 second of hovering power left and how the "naughts" had to manually join two wires together to get the craft to take off again. The idea was presumably to suggest that this was a Heath Robinson invention which could not be built upon for future missions. But the myth is still be perpetuated. There is apparently a film out showing the "astronauts" as they now are. It all has to be done by way of a hyped up and they do not reminisce off the cuff which is understandable. But millions are being misled as to where things are at. Nation Radio (NZ) has a trip to mars programme and suggests that the real thing is just a decade or two away. We doubt if they are misled, just sort of forced into it and are too weak to stand up against it.
The second and worst example is the assertion that disastrous global warming is happening and is being caused by man made gas emissions. This declaration, which is devoid of evidence has already caused they deaths of thousands or millions of poor people by reducing the food supply from what it would otherwise have been. The burning of more fossil fuels to meet the need for food is essential at this time. People who should know better have jumped upon this bandwagon. They are even trying to shut down debate on the matter. They should, we believe, be tried for mass murder.
Well it will be back to accounting with a slide show very soon.