Promotion of Accounting Reform as the most effective Pathway to a Fairer Safer and more Prosperous Society. Comment and Support from all quarters is Sought to straighten out NZ's problem
August 2017 Edition
This is the latest we have uncovered but for more see
We focus on massive corruption in the NZ public service and judiciary and especially Government entities whose members are appointed directly by the Government or “Parliament”.
We refer particularly to the presence of Joanne Harrison and Martin Matthews in the Ministry of Transport until recently. We say they are their because the Government wanted a corrupt Ministry so that fine revenue can be used as a fiscal tool to rob the lower socio-economic classes just as the Feltex IPO and many other criminal securities issues around that time did.
But Sue Moroney stuck up for the sacked whistle blowing attemptees and this has resulted in a couple of reports, one of which is being kept secret. Certainly the failure of the Ministry chief not to follow up on a few payments that brought to his attention with accusations of suspected theft by a staff member is a criminal offence. There is no excuse for it except that he has gone along with secret instructions from politicians to behave that way.
But the bit we wish to focus on was the parliamentary debate on the State Services Commission on the detection of Joanne Harrisons offending at the Ministry of Transport held on Tuesday 25 July. Five of those who took part, Paula Bennett, Clayton Mitchell, Simon Bridges, Tim MacIndoe, and Jan Logie chose to mention the country’s top ranking on the anticorruption index as a mitigating factor on the matter of corruption. None of these said that the position was brought from corrupt officials from funds stolen from the NZ Superannuation Fund in July 2014 when the fund under it brand new Chief Investments Officer (especially trained in these procedures by the Feltex IPO crooks Credit Suisse) pretended to “unfortunately” make an investment of $US150m in a Portuguese Bank through finance house Goldman Sachs..
They didn’t need to be told but we have emailed these 5 MPs to tell them as follows:
I am disgusted at your reference to top of the Transparency Index in your speech on the urgent Treatment of Whistleblowers debate yesterday 25 July 2917. It is obvious to you and the world as a whole that the Government has paid to be top of the TI index. The NZ Superannuation Fund all of a sudden decided to “deposit” $US150m million in one Portuguese bank through Goldman Sachs in mid 2014. It was announced that the Bank BES was effectively bust about 3 weeks later. It is obvious that they have paid for the bank to say they deposited this amount. The funds have gone to corrupt TI officials. The “deposit” was part of a $US750m payment much of which has gone to corrupt TI officials . Everybody knows that Portugal is probably the least economically stable European nation after Greece. You don’t put big funds there. Especially not in one lump. The “claim form” by which the crooks say they hope to get the money back shows that 9 of the 12 “depositors” were registered in small known tax haven countries. An equally large “deposit” contribution as from NZ has come from Denmark, which shares top ranking on the index, and the UK which has the highest ranking for higher population (10m+) countries. Get the claim form here
This “deposit” by the super fund came after Matt Whineray was appointed the inaugural Chief Investment officer. It is obvious he was appointed to do this evil deal. His brother Fraser was appointed Mighty River Power CEO about a month earlier by the Feltex IPO crook Joan Withers. The brothers both worked for Credit Suisse or it offshoot First NZ Capital for about 6 years around the turn of the century where they have been schooled in crime. Credit Suisse were mixed up in the 2004 Feltex IPO which sold the worthless company to buy gold and silver medals for the country at Athens . The Whineray’s were appointed to their respective organizations in 2008, the last Helen Clark year. Their Uncle Kenneth Keith was an inaugural Supreme Court appointment from Jan 2004. This Court has protected the Feltex IPO grab and other corrupt Government deals.
Own up now.
Joanne Harrison was obviously appointed to the Transport Dept to do corrupt deeds. She just looked after her own interests too much. Likewise Matthews.